The services of the Consulting practice group are diverse and wide, covering all the labor & employment operations of a company:
Risk prevention
We carry out labor review processes that allows to determine the level of compliance with labor obligations, identify areas of opportunity and improve the labor practices of a company. Likewise, reviews are carried out to analyze outsourcing schemes, as well as compliance with the new rules on collective matters, included in international treaties.
Preparation of documents related to common labor needs, such as employment contracts, internal formats for employee benefits, time shifts controls and, in general, each and every one of the documents necessary for the development of a work relationship. Preparation of specific documents for each company in which special working conditions are established, such as compensation plans and schemes, codes of conduct and ethics, employee manuals (handbooks), design of variable bonus and commission schemes, stock options, pension plans, confidentiality agreements, among others.
ContactLabor investigations and termination of the employment relationship
Activities necessary for carrying out internal investigations for possible breaches of legal or corporate obligations, such as investigations of sexual harassment and harassment cases, compliance, fraud, among others. The investigation is done according to ethics standards, preparing the documents that could be used in jurisdictional processes. Planning and implementation of terminations of the employment relationship, including processes related to company executives, as well as terminations for just cause.
ContactBenefit and compensation schemes
The capacities of Farell & Yañez, S.C., allow us to participate in the design and implementation of benefits and compensation schemes according to the levels of the market in which a company develops its activities.
ContactData privacy
Our firm provides services so that our clients fulfill their data privacy obligations towards their employees, establishing the privacy notices and internal procedures for the exercise of ARCO rights.
ContactTraining courses
Farell & Yañez, has developed various training programs, specifically training for companies and their employees on issues related to recruitment and hiring, discrimination, evolution of labor relations, NOM-035, labor compliance, union matters and how to avoid collective conflicts, among others.
ContactSocial Security
Farell & Yañez, provides social security consulting services on the fulfillment of obligations, such as determination of the base salary for contributions, registration and termination of employees, payment of fees, disabilities, presentation of procedures before administrative authorities, audits, among others.

Our Labor Consultancy practice, through an advice that not only considers the legal aspects, but also the practical and business aspects, helps to implement solutions to prevent and avoid economic contingencies by creating appropriate legal strategies to each client.
Under an intelligent, collaborative work model and taking advantage of the use of information technologies, this area has developed appropriate service models that allow a fast and accurate response. As a general rule of quality, all the opinions or works requested are sent to the client in a maximum of 24 hours and, if a longer time is required, the client is informed the due time required, which must always be fulfilled.
Are you interested in any of our services? Send us a message through our form and we will contact you soon.